Hydroelectric Power Plants
We have built, own, and operate hydroelectric power plants.
- We implement hydroelectric power plant projects.
When building hydroelectric power plants, our company strives for harmonious integration with the natural environment and optimal use of water potential.
- We produce clean electric energy.
Our small hydroelectric power plants are a model example of effective use of renewable resources with minimal impact on the surrounding habitat.
- We ensure efficient operation.
The operation and regular maintenance of our facilities ensure their long-term reliability and high performance.

Cooperation with sister
company AQUATIS a.s.
In our hydroelectric power plant projects, we cooperate with our sister company AQUATIS a.s., experts with an extensive portfolio of services in water management.
The company provides comprehensive solutions ranging from securing quality drinking water and treatment, to wastewater management and the design of sewer systems. The company's expertise extends further to the construction of water structures, including dams, weirs, and modern inflatable weirs, with complete delivery of the necessary equipment and technology for their operation. Safety and flood protection for cities, municipalities, and industrial areas are another key areas where AQUATIS a.s. excels.
Together, we are committed to strengthening infrastructure for the use of renewable energy sources and protecting natural resources for current and future generations.
More at www.aquatis.cz
Recent Projects
Our Experts in Water Energy
We are specialists in the implementation of projects related to the use of water energy. We apply our long-term experience and knowledge for sustainable development and innovation.
Ing. Jovan Milenkovič
Construction manager e-mail: jovan.milenkovic@chemoprojekt.cz phone: +420 723 275 707Ing. Milorad Krstič
Business and Development director e-mail: milorad.krstic@lukaenergy.rs phone: +420 731 670 724 phone: +381 648 740 14117
Energy for a better world based in the Czech Republic.
We implement projects using solar energy, hydroelectric power plants, and second-generation biofuels. We stand at the forefront in the quest for a cleaner future, with our commitment to environmentally friendly resource management at the heart of everything we do.
About the Company